Parabens: A potential carcinogen In sunscreen massage oils.

Trade names are benzyl, butyl, ethyl, isopropyl, methyl, propyl (alkyl-p-hydroxybenzoates) acting as preservatives in cosmetics and personal care products preventing bacteria, fungus and microbes.

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reported that parabens displayed estrogenic activity in several tests and can have endocrine-disrupting action.

Dr. Philippa Darbre at the University of Reading, UK detected in a study in 2004 parabens in 18 0f 20 samples of tissues from breast tumour biopsies.

The women used underarm deodorant spray.

More scientist issue warnings about parabens.

Because of the possible link to breast cancer and reproductive effects in boys, parabens are also an issue in sunscreens, since many are applied by massaging them into the skin.


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